Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Animal Jam History: Liza the Panda Shaman/Alpha

This is me as Liza the Panda Shaman/Alpha
 Liza is pretty well known to the animals of Jamaa, since she personally welcomes everyone that arrives here and helps them get started on their adventures. Liza has always been a traveler and explorer too, and she vividly remembers the day her travels first took her to Jamaa. 

Liza has a talent of making better people; people that use kind words and are always being helpful to the other animals that need help. Liza had to protect Jamaa when it was in danger, and she was being a good leader of Jamaa and so I'd give her the badge of LEADERSHIP. 

Here is the shout out, you'll know who it is.... LIZA THE PANDA SHAMAN/ALPHA

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