Saturday, September 20, 2014

How I think of 6th Grade

  Here's what I like and don't like about being a 6th grader!


  • I don't like the way my friends talk to me anymore. They say words like, "I could kick you!" or "Potato! Omg, Tyler McConnell!" 
  • Homework! It's normal to not like homework, but people make a big deal out of it and choose to not do it. Which is so unfair to me, because I have to do my homework. 
  • The noise level! Its way too loud and I can't here myself talking. Which I don't talk anymore, because people tend to ignore me. 

  • I like my teachers, Ms. Sloat and Mrs. Standring there both very helpful. 
  • P.E.! I love going outside and getting exercise. 
  • I absolutely love buddies! We do P.E. with Mrs. Cooper's 2nd grade class and we walk with our buddy two laps around the track. 
  Okay, so I hope you get how I'm feeling with this. It's kinda in between. Thank you for your patience! 

-Abby Ribet      

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