Sunday, September 7, 2014

Animal Jam History: Peck the Bunny Shaman/Alpha

Hi bloggers! This is me as my favorite alpha, Peck! I love her because she's talented! 

  There's no question Peck is full of talent. She is an artist that revels in any medium, and she has done much to beautify and inspire many animals to join her in huge, outlandish art projects. Her Alpha abilities seem to have magnified her already passionate and energetic personality a hundredfold, however, and some animals find her perpetual excitement and restlessness exhausting. 

  Peck's hot temper is legendary. When Phantoms appear or her friends are threatened, her artistic exuberance flips instantly to full - throttle attack mode. She believes in striking first and planning later (much later, and hopefully while she's off doing something more fun). 

  Have you ever had a friend who seemed to be made of pure energy, who could never sit still and who was always trying to involve you in some new crazy scheme of theirs? That's tots *totally* me and Peck pixies! She moves in a blur, gets bored easily, (like me), and never seems to run out of ideas. She takes her role as a mentor, (like an alpha, you know like those mentor fairies on pixie hollow), to other rabbits into shape and ready for whatever the phantoms might throw at them. I'll give Peck a reward of CREATIVITY!!! 

Shoutout: PECK OF COURSE!            

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