Friday, September 12, 2014

Animal Jam History: Graham the Monkey Shaman/Alpha

Hi bloggers this is my animal is Graham. 

The first thing Graham noticed about the other Alphas was that they seemed to do everything the hard way. For example, take that time when Liza tracked the Spirit Stone of the giraffes to a phantom cavern sealed by an enormous boulder. By the time Graham got there, Liza had a dozen animals straining to move the stone out of the way, and after hours of effort the barely made it budge. Graham shook his head and clucked his tongue. All of that sweat, and nothing to show for it. 

Okay, so you hopefully know about Graham. Sorry it took too long for me to post but I had A LOT of homework. Thx! Shoutouts: 

Graham, and probably my best friend Breighlyn     

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