Sunday, October 19, 2014

Best Friends

  I'd totally hate to brag, but I have the best friends I could ever get! A shoutout for: Keira Ramirez! I want to let her know that I've had a hard time controlling myself around others. Ever since I lied to her about moving to Hawaii, things been getting hard. I was so mean to her lately and I even watched her cry. So bloggers, I am very mean to people but that is totally off script; I'm actually found to be very nice. Today I talked to her on animal jam and I told her what's wrong. Here's the story: 

 "Oh look it's the girl who likes her aj family more than me," I said. Susan810 replied, "I just wanna talk with you." I said back, "Fine." Susan810 replied, "Abby, you've been so mean to me lately, why?" I kinda frowned at the computer thinking of an answer. "I made you a promise, remember?" I said flashing back a few weeks ago. Susan810 said, "Well your my real bff, there just my computer friends." I sighed at the computer. Susan810 said, "Abby may we PLEASE be bffs again, what you said Friday made me upset." I kinda giggled at that because if I was rude, why does she want to be bffs with me again? So I sent her a friends request and she accepted it. Then we became friends again.

So bloggers, how do you think of my true story, and not to mention,Susan810 was Keira Ramirez.
    -Abby Ribet 

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