Friday, October 31, 2014


HAPPY HALLOWEEN BLOGGERS! I hope you enjoy trick or treating, or having a fun time at a Halloween party! I had a great time at my Halloween Animal Jam party, and the person that stayed the longest was, pinpin974! SOOO A BIG SHOUTOUT TO HER!! So for the rest of your time, instead of reading my blog, go out and trick or treat!!    

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hi bloggers! Today I just made a new friend on animal jam! Her username is ajtigergirl. She is so awesome! We both like Nicki Monaj. And btw, my dog looks so cute in this picture, right? Keep a posting and let me know, "WHATS UP!" And lol, the sky.

-Abby Ribet

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Best Friends

  I'd totally hate to brag, but I have the best friends I could ever get! A shoutout for: Keira Ramirez! I want to let her know that I've had a hard time controlling myself around others. Ever since I lied to her about moving to Hawaii, things been getting hard. I was so mean to her lately and I even watched her cry. So bloggers, I am very mean to people but that is totally off script; I'm actually found to be very nice. Today I talked to her on animal jam and I told her what's wrong. Here's the story: 

 "Oh look it's the girl who likes her aj family more than me," I said. Susan810 replied, "I just wanna talk with you." I said back, "Fine." Susan810 replied, "Abby, you've been so mean to me lately, why?" I kinda frowned at the computer thinking of an answer. "I made you a promise, remember?" I said flashing back a few weeks ago. Susan810 said, "Well your my real bff, there just my computer friends." I sighed at the computer. Susan810 said, "Abby may we PLEASE be bffs again, what you said Friday made me upset." I kinda giggled at that because if I was rude, why does she want to be bffs with me again? So I sent her a friends request and she accepted it. Then we became friends again.

So bloggers, how do you think of my true story, and not to mention,Susan810 was Keira Ramirez.
    -Abby Ribet 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ask For Abby's advice

Hi bloggers! Comment down below if you need advice. Like for example, "What do I do when I tell a lie?" I'll reply back in the comments probably, "First of all, you should never tell a lie, but if your friend's bad and you say they're good, that's when you don't tell the truth." Here are some things I, myself can't answer, "How do I fake being sick?" or, "I HAVE A FIRE IN MY HOUSE!". I'm not a 911, ok?
-Abby Ribet

Monday, October 13, 2014

Here ye! Here ye! A big announcement from your blogger, Abby Ribet! 

  Hi bloggers, tonight I'm going to show you a picture from me that I took tonight. And I know, it's like 10:30 PM and it's a school night! But I am so looking forward to people seeing my beautiful face. Now unrolling my beautiful face; drum roll please...

I hope you think I'm beautiful, not just my ggg avatar. 

-Abby Ribet 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

  Dear bloggers, my life sucks. I just wish people can get me. My friends always think I'm hyper but I'm just being myself. They are forever saying things like, "Stop eating sugar!" or "Wow, how much sugar did you have?". Whats worse is Manuel in my class saying, "I don't care," or "Please be quiet!". It makes me sooo frustrated. :,( So I made this blog, and if you don't like my personality, words hurt, ok bloggers? So have fun and just remember these words, don't let anyone put you down, because your amazing!
This is my dog, Sammie, I think she's pawsome!

  Ok, so bloggers, please tell your friends and family about my blog. I want it to be popular! 

-Abby Ribet

Saturday, October 4, 2014

11th Birthday

  Hi bloggers!

  Today I'm turning 11! My party was yesterday and I can't wait to go out to eat. My favorite gift was the brand new camera I got! Now I can take pictures and videos for my blog. So jammers, gotta go! Its my actual birthday and there's so much to look forward too. 

Your 1 and only blogger, 
Abby Ribet *ribey* 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My bad day

Today I've had a bad day. These are the reasons. 

  1. The boys in my class were laughing at me when I shared my Spelling homework score.
  2. I can't go on animal jam because its loading too long!
  3. I volunteered for a class rep. and I only got 3 votes. Me, and maybe 2 of my friends.
  4. We didn't play our fun P.E. game.
  5. I had a bad day yesterday and I couldn't publish it because I had to eat dessert. 
  6. For lunch, our class scored 0 for the golden lunchbox. 
Okay, that's my bad day.